The Thermo-ChickenHeated Pad is perfect for chicks and chickens. The 12.5‚ x 18‚ size is perfect for most chicks and chickens.
A Healthy Start. Use in the first stages of life for mandatory heat requirements and later when old man Winter pays a visit! The internal thermostat is pre-set to the perfect temperature.
Ensuring your chicks do not get chilled‚ will help prevent pasting‚ and support a healthy start. Only 40 watts makes the Thermo-Chicken Heated Pad very energy efficient. It can be placed on the floor or mounted to a wall. For use in an enclosure.
Sturdy Design. Also water-resistant ABS plastic exterior. It also features a 5.5-foot cord with 18 inches of steel capping to deter pecking.
Energy Efficiency. Using a mere 40 watts of electricity, the Thermo-Chicken consumes less power than many light bulbs. Keep your utility bills low and your chickens warm with this unique, energy-efficient heating pad.
Safe Operation. This product has been tested rigorously and certified by MET Labs.